Monday, December 3, 2007

Baby steps

I'm still not ready to unveil what my new project is (though I'm toting it everywhere with me, so if you see me in person you'll hear more than you ever needed to about it), but I will say it's my first attempt at writing a pattern, and I'm learning a lot... mainly that writing patterns is hard. Everyone's got to start somewhere, right? I'm anxious to get my knitting group's opinion tonight.

Speaking of my knitting group, one of them made me all verklempt... see, knitters? Crochet can be your friend!


String Theory Blog said...

You know, every once and a while you see see a pattern that requires both knit and crochet. We should write a book/set of such patterns, sort of a summit that forces knitters and crocheters to work together. I think we could learn a lot . . .

Laura Killoran for Croshay Design - said...

thanks for representing the crochet! & good luck with your new pattern!